Political Ecologies of Abolition and Sovereignty

Environmental perspectives shaped by Black and Indigenous knowledge have the power to shape our theories of environmental justice. Join us for new conversations at the intersections of Black and Indigenous geographies and political ecology. Each speaker will also join the Political Ecology Lab for an interactive discussion in the days following their talk. Sign up for our listserve to get more information on these small-group events.  Image description: A map made by the settler-colonial UC anthropologist A

Event Date


Environmental perspectives shaped by Black and Indigenous knowledge have the power to shape our theories of environmental justice. Join us for new conversations at the intersections of Black and Indigenous geographies and political ecology. Each speaker will also join the Political Ecology Lab for an interactive discussion in the days following their talk. 

Image description: A map made by the settler-colonial UC anthropologist Alfred Kroeber documenting P'atwin, Wintun, Miwok, Nisenan, Pomo, and other California Indigenous lands (1932).

All webinars are from 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm. Zoom link: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/92228107805?pwd=K2JmRVpvYmNGQytKc2ZHL2FBQTlUUT09


January 27

Jen Rose Smith, Ph.D. (dAXunhyuu)

Assistant Professor of Geography and American Indian Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison


February 22 Panel Discussion

Janae Davis

Associate Director of Conservation, American Rivers

Alex A. Moulton, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Levi Van Sant, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, School of Integrative Studies, George Mason University

Brian Williams, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Geography, Department of Geosciences, Mississippi State University


March 8

Dr. C.N.E. Corbin

Assistant Professor, Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University


May 17

Dr. Max Liboiron

Associate Professor, Geography, Memorial University


Sponsored by UC Davis Humanities Institute and Feminist Research Institute. 
