The Feminist Health Justice Collective: Building a Meta-Syllabus
Around 2020, public syllabi or “hashtag syllabus” projects began circulating on social media platforms. These emerged as a means of engaging collectively with racial justice and the COVID-19 pandemic, among other topics. During this period, the Feminist Health Justice Collective (FHJC) — a group of students, faculty, and community members — came together to consider how to amplify and scale up the work of the public syllabus. It was through the FHJC’s conversations that the Feminist Health Justice Meta-Syllabus was developed.
The meta-syllabus underscores the urgency of addressing the structural causes of health disparities, a need that has become increasingly clear in both community work and public health. Despite recent advancements, an underemphasis on combating social inequities yet persists in health. The meta-syllabus aims to highlight this crucial issue and equip individuals with knowledge about how to proceed.
This tool, soon available for individual, classroom, and community use, combines feminist intersectional social theory with health justice perspectives. It functions as an interactive repository of articles, videos, and other relevant publications. These are organized by a series of overarching structural frameworks, ranging from housing justice to coloniality and decolonization. Publications are also searchable by topic and resource type, allowing users to interact with the meta-syllabus in various ways. For example, while some might focus on learning about a single structural framework, others might search for resources on a combination of topics.
Presently, the FHJC is building upon its efforts by incorporating creative contributions and feedback from those at the forefront of health and social justice. We are actively seeking input from those with expertise in these fields. If you are passionate about this work, we invite you to get in touch and learn about current options to contribute !
For any questions or comments, you may also contact us at info@feministhealthjustice.com.