Past Initiatives

Beyond Health: Our 2020-2021 Theme

Health is increasingly at the forefront of contemporary political and scholarly debates. Issues such as health care access, the impact of climate change on life-sustaining food and water systems, and the unequal distribution of morbidity and mortality across communities have emerged as era-defining challenges. The Feminist Research Institute seeks to create more impactful and justice-oriented knowledge by cultivating research collaborations across disciplines and across communities around the many challenges we face in addressing these and other health-related issues. Read more.

#Feminist Futures: Our 2019-2020 Theme

Feminist futures imagine and seek to create a better world. To do this, we must study the world as it is to better understand how systems of oppression operate. Feminist futures move between studying, dreaming, and doing. We study the world with a critical lens cut by encounters with oppression and polished by hope for a better future. We dream of a world of thriving, rather than precariousness. And we take action to bring those visions to fruition. Read more.

Feminist Collaboratory

Feminist thought and practice has the potential to change what we know and how we act to produce a better, more just world. The Feminist Collaboratory puts these possibilities into action. Learn more.

Seed Grants

The FRI Seed Grant Competition invites proposals from UC Davis faculty for collaborative projects that use feminist approaches to engage in transformative, trans-disciplinary research. Seed grant funding may be used to develop a promising idea, pilot-test a method, gather preliminary data, further an ongoing collaboration, or otherwise provide support that will improve a project’s chance of receiving external funding. Learn more.

What is Feminist Research?

The What is Feminist Research? This initiative explores specific examples of feminist research in action at UC Davis and beyond through a video series and dialogues. Watch the videos.

Graduate Research Fellows

The Graduate Summer Research Fellowship invites proposals from UC Davis graduate students for summer funding whose work engages with feminism or takes a feminist approach in their research. Learn about past awardees.