
New Course - WMS 201: Asking Different Questions

Feminist Research Institute Director Kalindi Vora will be teaching a graduate seminar Winter 2020 about how to integrate feminist approaches into scientific research design. Graduate students from all fields are welcome!

WMS 201:  Asking Different Questions: Feminist approaches to scientific research and design

Thursdays 2:10-5pm
Hart Hall 1208
CRN: 76861
Instructor: Dr. Kalindi Vora

FRI Receives NSF Grant for Innovating Cultural Inclusivity in Graduate STEM Training

The Feminist Research Institute (FRI) and Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies (GSW) department received the National Science Foundation Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) grant.  The IGE award will provide graduate students with training to locate their research questions within a larger societal context. This will include how to recognize and address issues of historical bias and cultural complexity.