Exhibition Opening: Xicanx Futurity at Manetti Shrem Museum

Gilda Posada Abolish  Borders/ Derrumbe las fronteras / اهلا وسهلا بالمسلمین هنا / پناهندگان خوش آمدید , 2017, vinyl billboard. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Gilda Posada

Event Date

Manetti Shrem Museum

Manetti Shrem Museum

Xicanx Futurity

Melanie Cervantes, Tejiendo el Amor y la Justicia, 2014, silkscreen print. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Melanie Cervantes
Melanie Cervantes, Tejiendo el Amor y la Justicia, 2014, silkscreen print. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Melanie Cervantes

Xicanx Futurity focuses on the work of six Xicana artists: Celia Herrera Rodríguez, Felicia “Fe” Montes, Gina Aparicio, Gilda Posada, Melanie Cervantes, and Margaret “Quica” Alarcon. These artists engage in an intergenerational dialogue that centers Indigenous forms of communal and hemispheric ceremony, rooted in sacred relations. Collectively, their respective artistic practices inform an emerging conceptual and aesthetic decolonial social practice within Chicana/o/x Art. 

Guest Curators: Carlos Jackson, Associate Professor & Chair, Chicanx Studies, UC Davis, Maria Esther Fernandez, Chief Curator, Triton Museum of Art and Susy Zepeda, Assistant Professor Chicanx Studies, UC Davis.

On view January 29–May 5 2019

Opening Celebration at 2 p.m. Jan. 27

Panel discussion at 2:30 p.m. with all six artists in a conversation moderated by Jackson, chair and associate professor, Department of Chicana/o Studies.

Programming highlights

Cherríe Moraga In Conversation

4-5:30 p.m. Feb. 14

Cherrie MoragaMoraga is an internationally recognized poet, essayist and playwright whose professional life began in 1981, with her co-editorship of the groundbreaking feminist anthology, The Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color. She is the author of several works of her own, and is a professor of English at UC Santa Barbara. She will be in conversation with co-curator Susy Zepeda, Chicana/o Studies, UC Davis.

Decolonizing Healing: Everyday Rituals & Remedies

3:30-5 p.m. March 5

This plática/discussion centers practitioners engaged in thoughtful dialogue about decolonizing healing. Zepeda is in dialogue with a Sacramento folk herbalist and “kitchen witch” Lola Venado.

Intersectional Feminism in Museums: Panel Discussion

4:30-6 p.m. April 17

This discussion explores recent exhibitions and museum approaches that challenge mythologies about sexuality, gender, race and power. How are museums responding in light of #MeToo, LGBTQI advocacy, Black and Brown Lives Matter, and other activist movements? Museum leaders address the aims and challenges in confronting societal inequities in diverse cultural contexts.

Link: https://manettishremmuseum.ucdavis.edu/current-exhibitions#xicanxfuturity
