Yolo Bypass

Earthly Feminisms Reading Group: Spring 2024

We are excited to continue the Earthly Feminisms Slow Reading group. Last winter, we engaged in questions of unsettling Western narratives of conquest, heroism and human exceptionalism; discussing the meanings and politics of what constitutes life; and lessons from other earthly species like mushrooms. This Spring we started off by reading on Black Ecologies to think about how ecologies too become racialized.

On March 12, 2024, we had a wonderful conversation with guest speaker Dr. Aviaja Laupthman, from Ilisimatusarfik  (University of Greenland) who presented SILA, a unique biology program which brings together science and local inuk knowledge.

The group is co-facilitated by Mayra Sanchez and Diana Pardo, Professor of Environmental Anthropology at George Washington University, who is currently a Fellow at Radcliffe Harvard Institute. 

Readings: We read about 2 pieces (20–30 pages; chapters, essays, or articles). You may find past readings here

Time & Dates:

We meet every other Tuesday 5-6pm PST

Next meetings: 

May 21, 2024

June 4, 2024

June 18, 2024

New readers from various backgrounds are always welcome. Regular participation is not required, come when you can! We meet in person at FRI and via zoom.

To join, email earthly_feminisms@ucdavis.edu.