Octavia Butler quote
Image courtesy Archive of Futures

Feminist Futures Fellows: Jasmine Wade (Cultural Studies)

We're proud to introduce you to the work of our 2019-2020 cohort, the Feminist Collaboratory Fellows. The year's research theme is Feminist Futures. We asked each fellow to participate in a video or written project to display their work and explore the theme further. This is the first installment of that series.

ARCHIVE OF FUTURES – FRI Fellow Jasmine Wade in Conversation

The Feminist Research Institute is proud to present a virtual conversation between Program Manager Anna Ward and FRI Graduate Fellow Jasmine Wade (Cultural Studies). Jasmine is a fellow in FRI’s Feminist Collaboratory, which funds faculty and graduate students who are pursuing feminist thought and practice in their research.

Funded in part by FRI, Jasmine’s project, Archive of Futures, is a digital and experiential repository of artifacts created by community members to reflect their hopes and dreams for the future. Specifically, contributors are asked to envision and design an artifact that represents a moment of cultural significance that hasn’t yet happened, and may never happen. In this way, Archive of Futures serves as a portal for reflection on futurism, but places that discussion outside of a “historical” context and inside the dreams and imaginations of contributors.

You can watch four clips from Jasmine and Anna's conversation below:

Overview of project

How does it work?

Why an archive?

And what about Covid-19?

Anna and Jasmine’s full conversation is also available on our YouTube channel.

If you’d like to learn more about Archive of Futures, check out the website and Instagram @futures.archive