Bikes parked in front of a building

Join the Mobility Justice Working Group

The FRI-sponsored Transportation Equity and Mobility Justice Working Group is gearing up for its third quarter. The goal of the working group is to provide more opportunities for students and faculty to convene and collaborate on themes and topics related to transportation equity in a dynamic and thoughtful space. It is affiliated with the Feminist Research Institute (FRI) and the Institute for Transportation studies (ITS), and includes researchers from Community Development, Civil Engineering, and Transportation Technology & Policy.

This quarter, we are focusing on new interdisciplinary literature and next quarter we are hosting a speaker series of mobility justice scholars from across the country. Listeners can join in remotely, join the discussion in person, or listen later to the recorded sessions.

Spring 2020 Mobility Justice Working Group Schedule

We are pleased to announce that we have an awesome lineup for our Spring 2020 Mobility Justice Working Group webinar series.

We will meet on Fridays from 11-12:30 via zoom, and folks can use this link to join.

Friday April 17th | Matthew Palm, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher
Jeff Allen, PhD Student
University of Toronto, Department of Geography

Friday April 24th | Adonia Lugo, PhD, Professor Antioch University, Mobility Justice Strategist, Urban Anthropologist

Friday May 1st | TBD

Friday May 8th | Monique G. López, AICP, MA, MCRP, Pueblo Planning, Los Angeles

Friday May 15th | Jesus M. Barajas, PhD, Assistant Professor, Dept. Urban & Regional Planning, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Friday May 22nd | James Rojas, Planner, Community Activist, Artist + Founder, Latino Urban Forum, Founder, PLACE IT!

Friday May 29th | TBD

To be added to the mailing list, please email Sarah Grajdura.

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