What does feminist theory have to do with research in Antarctica? Join Dawn Sumner, FRI Director and geobiologist, as she shares how insights from feminist research can impact fundamental science.
The founders of the Feminist Research Institute created a brilliant vision with immense possibility. We are making good on their vision. We have something solid we can stand on that shows people what we are about.
Black feminism offers compelling models for how to image the world otherwise. This summer, we will explore three texts by Black feminists to understand how we can vision a new trajectory in the world that is based in relationality, pleasure, and collective action.
Black feminism offers compelling models for how to image the world otherwise. This summer, we will explore three texts by Black feminists to understand how we can vision a new trajectory in the world that is based in relationality, pleasure, and collective action.
Black feminism offers compelling models for how to image the world otherwise. This summer, we will explore three texts by Black feminists to understand how we can vision a new trajectory in the world that is based in relationality, pleasure, and collective action.
FRI Undergraduate Advisory Board and staff member Elaina Legg presented a poster at the UC Davis 34th Annual Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference on April 28.
Take a look at what we've been up to by reading her abstract and checking out by her poster!
Asking Different Questions in Climate Sciences will be offered Spring 2023 as a 4-credit seminar (STS 298) on Wednesdays at 12:10 - 3pm (P/NP).
Any lasting solution to climate change must account for historical and ongoing inequities created through structures of oppression. This is true whether one is studying global issues or local impacts.
This seminar provides researchers with the intellectual tools to weave considerations of justice and equity into their research agenda and practices.
In this excerpted interview, Interim Co-Director Dawn Sumner (professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences) and Asking Different Questions scholar Maya Cruz (PhD candidate in Cultural Studies and Science and Technology Studies) explore the cultural and scientific significance of a viral image of Mars. Chiefly, how can we continue to center questions of care, responsibility and accountability in our scientific practices?
The words we use are powerful as they are tools to uphold harmful power structures and legacies that are based in archaic racist and sexist ideologies –and science has been a leading justification tool.
At the Feminist Research Institute, we believe in a future of justice and inclusivity, and in a knowledge base made more impactful by intersectional research. And we think this approach to research is a little bit radical.