science & technology

Kalindi Vora and Sarah McCullough on Antiracist Approaches to STS

Director Kalindi Vora and Associate Director Sarah McCullough had the opportunity to share recent FRI work with attendees at the second STS Futures panel discussion. You can watch their talk, "The Science We Are For: Feminist Antiracist STS Approaches to STEM," which explores the origins and goals of the Asking Different Questions research training program, as well as other emerging research in the field.

Beyond Health Scholar Hannah Zeavin

Exploring parental fitness, presence and absence in the era of automation, Feminist Research Institute 2020-21 Beyond Health research scholar Hannah Zeavin shares new research for her upcoming book, "Mother's Little Helpers: Technology in the American Family."

Read more research related to these themes, as well as reflections on Zeavin's research in our latest edition of Reading Beyond Health.

Reading Beyond Health: Automation

The Feminist Research Institute is hosting a Collaboratory throughout the year focused on this year’s annual theme “Beyond Health.” The Collaboratory brings together our Visiting Scholars and members of the UC Davis community to engage in timely conversations organized around keywords related to the theme.

Asking Different Questions Working Group Invites New Participants

Are you interested in integrating a commitment to justice into your research? Join FRI for Asking Different Questions (ADQ). This project takes on the challenge of changing research cultures to create more equitable and accurate knowledge. We are doing this by creating and pilot testing discussion-based curriculum designed to train graduate students in how to locate their research questions within larger societal context, identify historical bias, and address questions of those traditionally under-served.

Kim TallBear on Whiteness in Science

Dr. Kim TallBear is Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Peoples, Technoscience & Environment, Faculty of Native Studies, University of Alberta. She is also a Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation Fellow. She is the author of Native American DNA: Tribal Belonging and the False Promise of Genetic ScienceProfessor TallBear's faculty page.