Kalindi Vora and Sarah McCullough on Antiracist Approaches to STS
Director Kalindi Vora and Associate Director Sarah McCullough had the opportunity to share recent FRI work with attendees at the second STS Futures panel discussion. You can watch their talk, "The Science We Are For: Feminist Antiracist STS Approaches to STEM," which explores the origins and goals of the Asking Different Questions research training program, as well as other emerging research in the field.
STS Futures Initiative is an ongoing project dedicated to opening new professional pathways for graduate students in the Humanities specializing in Science, Technology and Society (STS). A graduate student-led endeavor, the STS Futures Initiative is organized by students and faculty from UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Santa Barbara in collaboration with UC Berkeley's Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society (CSTMS), and is funded by the University of California Humanities Research Institute and the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society at UC Berkeley.